Here are three easy and cost-effective ways to improve your reproductive performance!

1. Rumenox
Improves overall cow health.
Improves in calf rates.
Reduces the risk of ketosis by 40%.
Maintains cows’ weight and condition.
Prevents against bloat - better than bloat oil.
2. Trace element testing
Now is the perfect time to test Copper, Selenium, Ca, Mg, and BOH levels to ensure your herd is ready for mating.
Trace elements are vital for general function of the cow and impact everything from reproductive performance, immunity, milk production and growth rates.
3. Multimin
An injection containing all the goodies! Manganese, Selenium, Copper & Zinc!
One injection of Multimin 3-4 weeks pre-mating:
Reduces empty rate by 3.3%;
Halves pregnancy losses;
Moves the average conception rate forward by 3.4 days!
A return on investment of $5 per cow.

Learn more about options for non-cyclers in this article
If you would like to know more, please contact us at FVM.