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Heifer Teatseal

Recent trial data show that approximately 2/3 of heifer mastitis cases occur within the first month of lactation, with average mastitis rates in heifers to be 11% and as high as 29% when not protected with teatseal.

Heifers that develop clinical mastitis go on to have greater risk of light quarters, thickened teat canals and ultimately being culled early.

Teatsealing heifers prior to calving has been scientifically proven to more than half their risk to developing mastitis in their first 30 days and we have many examples amongst our own clients where there have been very significant reduction in heifer mastitis rates.

Please contact our admin team to make an early booking, places tend to fill fast through late April as heifers start arriving home.

FVM teatsealing team in action
FVM teatsealing team in action



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